Preparation Method
Method – First, mix 5 tolas each of purified mercury, sulfur, somerch, harital, mansil, and ras kapoor with the juice of aloe vera. After that, char the mixture for three days and let it dry. Next, fill it into an Atashi crucible and place it in a Baluka Yantra. Then, give it continuous heat for 52 hours, which will result in the creation of Vyadhiharan Rasayan. Once the desired condition is reached, continue giving mild, medium, and strong heat for 36 hours.
Finally, when you provide intense heat at the end, the impurities will evaporate. Otherwise, substances like mansil and other ingredients will remain at the bottom.
Dosage & Usage For Syphilis-Related Nerve Diseases, Arthritis, Leprosy, Fistula, and Nerve Blockages
Dosage: Administer 121 to 243 mg with Honey or Ghee
When consumed, it effectively eliminates both new and chronic diseases such as syphilis and severe fevers from their roots. It is also highly beneficial in curing syphilis-related nerve diseases, arthritis, leprosy, fistula, and nerve blockages.
Side effects are eliminated. If syphilis becomes chronic and spreads to the heart, even then, with just a few days of taking this remedy, the poison is eradicated, and the entire body becomes healthy.
Second Method Of Preparation & Dosages With Usages
Take 8 tolas of purified mercury, 8 tolas of purified sulfur, and 16 tolas of ras kapoor. Mix everything thoroughly as prescribed, make it into a kajjali (black compound), and place it in a Baluka Yantra. Heat it for 24 hours to create the rasayan (elixir).
Dosage – Administer 1 to 2 ratti with nagarbel betel leaf or with ghee or honey, twice daily.
Uses – This Rasayan cures syphilis, its symptoms, and related disorders such as impotence. It also relieves heart disorders, vata-kapha diseases, and premature graying of hair. The primary ingredient in this Rasayan is Ras Kapoor, which, due to its intense properties, affects many individuals negatively. However, since this Rasayan does not have that adverse effect, it can be safely used to treat fresh cases of syphilis.
This treatment not only eliminates syphilis but also all related complications, including redness all over the body, swollen lymph nodes, sores in the mouth, pain around the anus (leading to multiple boils), lump formation, hair loss, fever, headaches, insomnia, pallor, eye pain, repeated eye infections, small bumps in the eyes, damage to bones, kidney swelling, testicular swelling, and crookedness of the nails. These complications, if not too deep, can be cured within 1 to 2 years.
Syphilis also affects the uterus and offspring, leading to various skin diseases, bone diseases, muscle diseases, and growth issues in children. Therefore, to prevent these problems, it is crucial to use this treatment before the poison escalates. Even if bone destruction has occurred, taking Vyadhiharan Rasayan purifies the blood, uterus, and other affected areas.
Vyapiharan Ras acts on vata, pitta, and kapha, as well as on the seven body tissues, including rasa (plasma) and rakta (blood). This Rasayan is highly effective in treating syphilis, its complications, and related fevers. (As per Ayurvedic texts).