For Rheumatoid Arthritis, Paralysis, Sciatica, Joint pain, Frozen Shoulder, Tremors & Lower Back Pain
Liver, Spleen, Heart, Intestines, Lungs, Blood Vessels, Nerves, Brain, Lymph Glands, Kdneys, & Reproductive Organs
Composition Or Preparation Method
Method – Take equal parts of purified mercury and purified sulfur; two parts of copper ash, mica ash, iron ash, and kantaloha ash (or iron ash if kantaloha ash is unavailable), gold ash, silver ash, and purified lead ash. Mix them all well. Then, triturate in indigo juice for 12 hours and let it dry. Next, place it in a glass flask, seal it tightly with clay, and place it in a sand bath, giving it mild heat for two periods. The medicine solidifies at the bottom. When the sand and the upper part of the flask are well heated, stop applying heat. Once it cools down naturally, remove Swarn Bhupati Ras from the bottom.
Dosage – Give 1 to 3 ratti (approximately 125 to 375 milligrams) with ginger juice and sugar or with long pepper and honey, or as per the disease’s requirements.
For Rheumatoid Arthritis, Paralysis, Sciatica, Joint pain, Frozen Shoulder, Tremors & Lower Back Pain
Many physicians in Maharashtra use this medicine widely for numerous conditions, and it is a renowned remedy in that region.
Due to the combination of ingredients like gold, silver, copper, iron, and mica in Swarn Bhupati Ras, it is effective in balancing the three doshas—vata, pitta, and kapha. It provides relief in conditions where phlegm causes severe blockage in the respiratory passages, in cases of high pitta aggravation, or in mild cases of kapha depletion. It is also beneficial up to the second stage of tuberculosis. When given in small doses for tuberculosis, it helps eliminate bacteria, reduces vata aggravation, fever, and cough, and promotes strength and overall recovery.
This medicine, with a higher content of mica, works well in cleansing the spleen and kidneys, eliminating accumulated toxins from the body, and enhancing digestion and assimilation. It helps alleviate indigestion, abdominal swelling, generalized body pains, and rheumatoid conditions.
In this way, with its properties, it reaches the channels responsible for vata and reduces vata aggravation. It is beneficial in various conditions like tremors, involuntary movements, seizures, eye disorders due to vata, vata-related dizziness, fainting, chronic cough, and hiccups. Sometimes, it is combined with licorice and given with Dashmool or Rasna decoctions as an adjunctive remedy.
Due to prolonged dietary and lifestyle irregularities, organs like the stomach, intestines, lungs, heart, and liver may become weakened. The channels responsible for vata support and protect these organs by maintaining their function. However, when these channels become weakened, it leads to vata disorders like paralysis and other conditions. This medicine is especially useful in such vata disorders to clear all three doshas and restore the channels, leading to complete recovery from the disease.
Liver, Spleen, Heart, Intestines, Lungs, Blood Vessels, Nerves, Brain, Lymph Glands, Kdneys, & Reproductive Organs
This work for digestive disorders, all types of inflammation, swelling, distension, colic, chronic diarrhea, urinary disorders, kidney stones, constipation, urinary retention, fistula, all forms of ulcers, poisoning, enlarged lymph nodes, abscesses, asthma, anemia, indigestion, various types of fevers, spleen and liver disorders, jaundice, headaches, and all vata-dominant ailments when administered with suitable complementary medicines.
When there is a disturbance in the digestive process, it leads to the formation of organic toxins, which in turn results in impurities in the blood circulating in the arteries. This impure blood disrupts bodily functions and leads to conditions like vata disorders. In such cases, Swarn Bhupati Ras, by improving digestion and eliminating organic toxins, helps relieve these conditions. Additionally, this remedy is effective in cases of vata aggravation due to mental stress.
Swarn Bhupati Ras also alleviates conditions like chest stiffness due to vata and kapha predominance, vata-related disorders from liver and intestine issues, abdominal distension, headaches, tumors, abdominal diseases, cough, and asthma. Due to its ability to balance all three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) and eliminate toxins, this remedy effectively treats all types of urinary disorders (except diabetes), as well as eliminates accumulated toxins through sweat and urine. This helps alleviate chronic and recurrent fevers and eliminates constipation and indigestion.
Thanks to its digestive and carminative properties, Swarn Bhupati Ras is also beneficial for treating diarrhea. Additionally, it disperses through the intestines in a layered form, making it useful for chronic conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, vata, pitta, and kapha-associated chronic digestive disorders, bloody and purulent colitis, intestinal decay, and all forms of chronic dysentery. Due to the iron content in this medicine, it increases red blood cell count, which helps cure anemia and weakness.
The root of all diseases lies in the imbalance of vata, pitta, and kapha doshas, as well as in the distortion of bodily tissues like plasma, blood, etc. Swarn Bhupati Ras acts directly and indirectly on all these elements. It strengthens vital organs like the stomach, liver, spleen, heart, intestines, lungs, blood vessels, nerves, brain, lymph glands, kidneys, and reproductive organs, which are essential for body protection. Therefore, as per the ancient texts, it is stated that “Swarn Bhupati is the best medicine for the eradication of all diseases”.