What is Gold Bhasma?
Gold Bhasma, also known as Swarna Bhasma, is a renowned Ayurvedic preparation made from purified gold. This ancient remedy has been praised for its numerous health benefits, from boosting the immune system to promoting longevity. In this article, we will explore the various ways Gold Bhasma can enhance your health ,well-being and cure many diseases , supported by both traditional knowledge and modern research.
Preparation of Gold Bhasma
Gold Bhasma, an age-old Ayurvedic remedy, is revered for its potent therapeutic benefits. The preparation of Gold Bhasma is a sophisticated process that combines ancient alchemical techniques with modern scientific understanding. This meticulous method ensures that the gold is transformed into a bioavailable form, enhancing its efficacy in promoting health and well-being.
First method – While preparing moonrise from pure mercury, a black ash composed of gold mixed with sulfur settles at the bottom of the glass. Add water to it and let it sit in a china vessel for two to three hours. Carefully pour out the water, then repeat the process by adding water again and discarding it after two hours. After washing it 3-4 times in this manner, the water will come out clean, leaving only the ashes of gold. Grind 233 grams of that golden Raj (powder) with the juice of Tulsi, Vanatulsi (Nagdabavachi), and Satyanashi or Kukraudha. Once the ashes become thick, spread them on a glass dish and allow them to dry under the sun. Next, wrap the dried gold flakes and burn them in a 16-inch pit. Afterward, coat the ghot with the juice of Tulsi Nava Kukarundha and heat it again. By giving it 8 puts in this process, a soft, lightweight, red-colored material with a dark luster is produced.
Second method – Purify the gold and prepare 11.66 grams of it. Afterward, soak it in Satyanashi juice for 24 hours, tie it in a cloth, and leave it in the sun to dry. Once dry, wrap it and heat it with 30 Aranyakandhas. When it cools down, take it out again and soak it in Satyanashi juice, then tie it and heat it again. Using this method, after 4 to 6 cycles of heating, a soft black-colored golden ash is produced. For red-colored soft ash, perform 8 to 10 cycles with basil juice.
The quantity and usage are the same as in the first method (as per Pt. Gangaduttji Pant, Kashipur). From a medicinal perspective, the qualities of the herbs used are imparted into the ash. If you wish to make this ash red, 4-6 pieces of Amaranth juice should be added during the process.
Source :Ras Tantra Sar V Sidh Prayog Sangrah
Ayurvedic Medicinal Properties & Nature
Ayurvedic profile of a medicinal substance, including its taste, qualities, potency, effects on doshas, and the tissues and organs it influences:
Rasa (Taste):
Madhura (Sweet): The primary taste is sweet, which is nourishing and balancing.
Kasaya (Astringent): The secondary taste is astringent, which can help dry up excess fluids and tone tissues.
Guna (Main Quality):
Laghu (Light): The substance is light, meaning it is easy to digest and doesn’t create heaviness in the body.
Snigadh or Sneha (Unctuous or Oily): It has an oily quality, promoting lubrication and nourishing tissues.
Virya (Potency):
Sheeta (Cold): The cooling potency helps to calm heat in the body, particularly soothing Pitta dosha.
Vipaka (Post-Digestive Effect):
Madhura (Sweet): After digestion, the sweet taste remains, contributing to building and stabilizing tissues.
Prabhava (Unique Action):
Immunomodulatory & Alterative: It modulates the immune system and has a balancing effect on bodily functions, promoting overall health.
Dosha Karma (Effect on Humors):
Pacifies Tridosha: It balances all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), with a particular emphasis on pacifying Pitta Dosha.
•Dhatu (Tissue) Effect:
•It acts on several bodily tissues, specifically Rasa (plasma), Rakta (blood), Mamsa (muscle), and Shukra (reproductive tissue).
•Organs Effect:
•Affects the whole body, with a special influence on the nerves, brain, lungs, mind, heart, blood vessels, eyes, small intestine, large intestine, ovaries, and testes.
enhance Rasayana properties, promoting overall health and vitality
Dosage: From 375 mg to 125 mg, administer twice a day with honey, Pippali (long pepper), and honey; or with butter, sugar, Giloy satva (extract), and honey; or with Chyawanprash Avaleha or as per the patient’s condition. Classical texts have recommended the following combinations for various diseases:
For Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties:
(a) Administer Swarna Bhasma (gold ash) with Kamala Chagatta (without the tongue), puffed rice, Priyangu powder, and honey. Follow up with cow’s milk.
(b) Administer with black sesame seed powder. Afterward, give cow’s milk boiled with a decoction of lotus flowers.
(c) Administer with Amla powder and honey.
(d) Administer with Shatavari ghee (600 mg) and honey (300 mg).
(e) Administer with Bhringraj (Bhangra) juice.
These combinations enhance Rasayana properties, promoting overall health and vitality.
Cures Mental/Neurological Disorders

For Unmada (Mental /Neurological disorders):
•Dosage: From 375 mg to 125 mg, administer twice a day with Brahmi juice (3 grams), Vacha (375 mg), Kuth and Shankhapushpi (3 grams each), and Mishri (6 grams) or with Dhamasa decoction.
Mental disorders, also called mental health conditions, affect how a person thinks, feels, and behaves, and can have a big impact on their overall well-being. These conditions vary in terms of symptoms and how they affect people. Here are some common types of mental disorders explained in a more relatable way:
1. Anxiety Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): This is when someone feels anxious or worried about various things almost all the time, even when there’s no clear reason to be concerned.
Panic Disorder: Sudden episodes of intense fear that seem to come out of nowhere. These “panic attacks” can feel overwhelming, with physical symptoms like a racing heart or trouble breathing.
Social Anxiety Disorder: This is a fear of being judged or embarrassed in social situations, which can make it hard to interact with others.
Phobias: Intense fear of specific things or situations, like heights or spiders, that leads to avoiding them at all costs.
2. Mood Disorders
Depression: A deep sense of sadness or emptiness that sticks around, making it hard to enjoy life or even do everyday things.
Bipolar Disorder: People with bipolar disorder experience extreme mood swings, from high-energy “manic” episodes to low-energy, depressive phases.
Cyclothymic Disorder: This is a milder version of bipolar disorder, where the mood swings are less severe but still impactful.
3. Personality Disorders
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): Intense emotions, unstable relationships, and impulsive actions are common with BPD. It can feel like living in emotional chaos.
Antisocial Personality Disorder: This involves a lack of regard for the feelings or rights of others, often leading to manipulative or harmful behavior.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder: People with this condition have an inflated sense of self-importance and crave admiration, but may lack empathy for others.
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD): This is about being a perfectionist and needing everything to be in order, sometimes to the point of being inflexible.
4. Psychotic Disorders
Schizophrenia: A severe mental health condition where people might see or hear things that aren’t there (hallucinations) or believe things that aren’t true (delusions), often feeling out of touch with reality.
Schizoaffective Disorder: This combines symptoms of schizophrenia with mood disorder symptoms, such as depression or mania.
5. Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa: A condition where someone severely restricts food intake due to a fear of gaining weight, leading to extreme thinness.
Bulimia Nervosa: This involves cycles of binge eating followed by purging (vomiting or using laxatives) to avoid weight gain.
Binge Eating Disorder: Eating large amounts of food in a short period, often leading to feelings of guilt and distress, but without purging.
6. Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): OCD involves having unwanted, repetitive thoughts (obsessions) and feeling compelled to perform certain actions (compulsions), like washing hands repeatedly.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A person becomes fixated on perceived flaws in their appearance, which may lead to excessive grooming or even surgery.
7. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
PTSD develops after a traumatic event. People with PTSD may relive the event through flashbacks or nightmares and experience severe anxiety as a result.
8. Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): This affects social interaction, communication, and behavior, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): People with ADHD struggle to stay focused and may act impulsively or have trouble sitting still.
Intellectual Disability: This refers to difficulties with learning, reasoning, and everyday problem-solving.
9 Dissociative Disorders
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID): Formerly known as multiple personality disorder, this involves having two or more distinct identities or personalities.
Dissociative Amnesia: A person may forget important personal information, usually after experiencing a traumatic event.
10. Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders
Substance Use Disorder: This is addiction to drugs or alcohol, which affects a person’s ability to function in daily life.
Gambling Disorder: Compulsive gambling that disrupts personal, social, and financial aspects of life.
11. Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
Somatic Symptom Disorder: People with this disorder become overly focused on physical symptoms like pain or fatigue, even if medical tests show nothing is wrong.
Illness Anxiety Disorder: This is the fear of having a serious illness despite minimal or no symptoms (formerly known as hypochondria).
12. Sleep-Wake Disorders
Insomnia: Difficulty falling or staying asleep.
Narcolepsy: Sudden episodes of falling asleep, often at inappropriate times.
Sleep Apnea: Breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep, leading to poor rest.
13. Neurocognitive Disorders
Alzheimer’s Disease: A type of dementia that causes memory loss, confusion, and difficulty with thinking and reasoning.
Vascular Dementia: Cognitive decline caused by reduced blood flow to the brain, often due to strokes.
Delirium: A sudden, severe confusion often caused by illness, injury, or medication.
14. Gender Dysphoria
This is when a person feels distress because their gender identity doesn’t match the sex they were assigned at birth.
Each of these mental health conditions has different symptoms and impacts people in unique ways. Treatment usually involves therapy, medication, or a combination of both, and early intervention can make a big difference in improving quality of life.
Important Points & Cautions
Swarna Bhasma (Gold Ash) strengthens the heart when consumed. It is aromatic and invigorating. It stimulates the nerves (vata channels) and expands the blood vessels (rakta channels) like camphor. Additionally, it also constricts the blood vessels, much like medicinal herbs such as Arjuna and Panbeej. Its main function is to purify the blood, nourish the heart, and strengthen both the blood vessels and the nervous system. This property of gold is unique compared to other medicines. To enhance its effect, Swarna Bhasma should be taken with ginger juice.
Gold possesses extraordinary abilities to neutralize poisons, toxins, and the harmful effects caused by bacteria and other pathogens in the body. Once the acute phase of the toxicity subsides, and only trace amounts remain, Swarna Bhasma can be used to detoxify the body completely. In such cases, it is administered in small quantities repeatedly. Even when the acute phase has passed, and residual symptoms remain, gold ash can still be used effectively.
Swarna Bhasma has antimicrobial and antitoxic properties, making it very effective in treating tuberculosis and similar diseases. In Ayurveda, gold is utilized in various forms, depending on the stage, symptoms, and location of the disease. It is especially useful in the early stages of disease, particularly in the first and second phases. However, when the disease progresses to the point where there is significant tissue damage and the patient is experiencing symptoms like extreme fatigue and organ failure, Swarna Bhasma alone may not be sufficient.
Gold is most effective as long as the body’s immunity hasn’t completely deteriorated. When the fever associated with tuberculosis is very intense, Swarna Bhasma should not be given, as it may worsen the situation. Excessive amounts of gold can cause a rapid die-off of the disease-causing bacteria, which then releases toxins into the bloodstream, leading to an immediate spike in fever and severe discomfort. Therefore, the dosage of gold must be carefully considered based on the patient’s condition and the severity of the illness. In some cases, the dosage of Swarna Bhasma may range from 4 to 7 Ratti (around 500 to 875 mg).
When there are symptoms such as persistent dry cough, body aches, fever every evening despite taking care, severe weakness, a disturbed, depressed, and irritable mind, it is beneficial to mix Swarna Bhasma (gold ash), Shringa Bhasma, Pravala Pishti, and Giloy Satva and administer it with milk and sugar. Within a few days, the patient’s condition starts to improve. (For dry cough, reduce the dose of Shringa Bhasma.)
In cases where there is fever to the extent of tolerance, burning sensation in the hands and feet, hoarseness of voice, stiffness in the shoulders and back, 3-4 bouts of loose stools per day, severe dry cough, breathlessness, throat pain, and blood in the sputum, the use of Swarna Bhasma with Pravala Pishti, Shringa Bhasma, and Dadisavaleha is very beneficial.
Swarna Bhasma is highly effective in treating chest injuries (urakshata). If there is excessive bleeding, administering Swarna Bhasma alongside blood-purifying treatments helps prevent severe weakness. By replenishing the depleted qualities in the blood such as moisture, vitality, and positivity, it prevents weakness and brings the disease under control more quickly.
In all stages of tuberculosis, Swarna Bhasma helps to prevent the degradation of bodily tissues. Whether the loss is due to the depletion of Rasa (nutrient fluid) or Rakta (blood), or a more severe deterioration of bodily components, using Swarna Bhasma for its life-enhancing properties leads to quick recovery.
In cases of mental disorders like unmada (madness), when pitta (heat) and kapha (phlegm) are dominant, Swarna Bhasma proves highly effective. Symptoms such as burning sensations throughout the body, intolerance to noise, light, or heat, excessive agitation, extreme anger, and performing abnormal acts (like shouting or trying to harm others) indicate pitta imbalance. Similarly, kapha imbalance may show through mental instability, lack of interest in food, and withdrawal from life, often leading to a desire for isolation. In such cases, Swarna Bhasma taken with Dhamasa decoction or extract can provide significant relief.
For chronic coughs and asthma where pitta or a combination of vata and pitta is dominant, administering Swarna Bhasma with Draksharista or Drakshasava offers excellent benefits.
In Rajayakshma (tuberculosis), when the body becomes weak due to toxin build-up, leading to frequent bouts of diarrhea along with blood loss, it is important to treat with Swarna Bhasma mixed with Dadisavaleha to manage the symptoms and prevent further weakening of the bod
Gold Bhasma In cases of tuberculosis: Administer with butter, Mishri (sugar), and honey, or mix Swarna Bhasma (half ratti), purified Sonageru (3 ratti), and Moti Pishti (1 ratti) with honey. This combination alleviates symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, worms, cough, bleeding disorders, loss of appetite, and nausea.
Enhancing Intelligence and Cognitive Function
Gold Bhasma, a time-honored Ayurvedic remedy, is renowned for its myriad health benefits. When combined with Vacha Powder, this potent elixir is believed to enhance intelligence and cognitive function. This powerful combination leverages the therapeutic properties of Gold Bhasma and the brain-boosting benefits of Vacha Powder, offering a natural solution for improving mental acuity and overall brain health.
The Benefits of Vacha Powder
Vacha Powder, derived from the rhizomes of Acorus calamus, is another revered Ayurvedic herb. Known for its cognitive-enhancing properties, Vacha (also called Sweet Flag) is used to improve memory, concentration, and overall mental clarity. It is often used in formulations to treat neurological disorders and promote brain health.Combining Gold Bhasma with Vacha Powder
The synergy between Gold Bhasma and Vacha Powder creates a powerful remedy aimed at enhancing intelligence and cognitive function. This combination leverages the strengths of both ingredients, offering a holistic approach to brain health.
Enhancing Cognitive Function
Gold Bhasma and Vacha Powder together are believed to enhance cognitive function by improving memory, focus, and mental clarity. Gold Bhasma’s rejuvenating properties, combined with Vacha’s neuroprotective effects, support overall brain health.
Boosting Intelligence
The combination is traditionally used to boost intelligence and learning capabilities. Gold Bhasma is known for its ability to enhance mental acuity, while Vacha Powder improves the brain’s capacity to process and retain information.
Reducing Mental Fatigue
This Ayurvedic formula also helps reduce mental fatigue and improve overall mental stamina. Regular use lead to increased alertness and better performance in cognitive tasks.
Supporting Emotional Balance
In addition to cognitive benefits, the combination of Gold Bhasma and Vacha Powder supports emotional balance. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a calm and focused mind.
Strengthening Nervous System
Gold Bhasma, with its revitalizing properties, strengthens the nervous system. When combined with Vacha Powder, it offers comprehensive support for neurological health, making it beneficial for individuals with neurological disorders.
Boost Radiance & Enhance Beauty

Padma Kesara (lotus stamen) and Gold Bhasma work synergistically to enhance skin radiance and promote overall health in Ayurvedic treatments. Here’s how they work together:
1. Padma Kesara (Lotus Stamen):
- Rich in antioxidants: Lotus stamen contains bioactive compounds like flavonoids and polyphenols, which combat oxidative stress and free radicals. This helps protect skin cells from damage, delays aging, and promotes a youthful glow.
- Balances Pitta Dosha: In Ayurveda, Padma Kesara is considered cooling and helps balance the Pitta dosha, which is associated with heat and inflammation in the body. By cooling and soothing the skin, it helps reduce redness, irritation, and inflammatory skin conditions, leaving the skin calm and radiant.
- Promotes Detoxification: Lotus stamen has detoxifying properties that cleanse the body, remove toxins, and purify the skin from within, leading to improved complexion and brightness.
2. Gold Bhasma (Ash of Gold):
- Cellular Rejuvenation: Gold Bhasma is known in Ayurveda for its rejuvenating properties. It penetrates deep into the skin to stimulate cell regeneration, improve blood circulation, and promote healthy, glowing skin.
- Improves Skin Elasticity: Gold helps in boosting collagen production, which improves skin elasticity, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and contributing to a youthful appearance.
- Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory: Gold Bhasma has antimicrobial properties that protect the skin from infections, while its anti-inflammatory nature helps calm irritated skin and prevent conditions like acne or eczema.
Combined Effects:
When Padma Kesara is combined with Gold Bhasma, the result is a potent Ayurvedic remedy that:
- Brightens the skin and promotes an even complexion.
- Rejuvenates skin cells, helping with anti-aging.
- Soothes inflammation and calms the skin.
- Detoxifies and purifies the body from the inside, reflecting on the outer skin as radiance.
Together, these two ingredients create a holistic approach to skin health, working from within to promote long-term beauty and skin radiance, as prescribed in Ayurvedic traditions.
To promote youthfulness: Combine with Shankhapushpi powder
Shankhapushpi powder is an Ayurvedic herbal powder derived from the dried whole plant of Shankhapushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), a well-known medicinal herb. It has been used for centuries in Ayurveda for its powerful cognitive, neurological, and calming effects.
Shankhapushpi has neuroprotective effects, helping to protect the brain from age-related degeneration and oxidative damage.
Aphrodisiac Effects: Increase Sexual Desire, Improve Sexual Performance, & Enhance Reproductive Health for Female & Male

The combination of Gold Bhasma and Vidarikand Powder offers a wide array of benefits that extend beyond just sexual wellness, making it a holistic Ayurvedic remedy for overall health and well-being. This powerful blend is not only known for its Vajikaran (sexual wellness) properties but also for supporting hormonal balance, boosting immunity, enhancing metabolism, and increasing vitality. The synergy between Gold Bhasma, a valuable Ayurvedic mineral preparation, and Vidarikand Powder, derived from Pueraria tuberosa, creates a potent formula for comprehensive health support.
1. Hormonal Balance and Endocrine Support
One of the standout benefits of combining Gold Bhasma and Vidarikand Powder is their ability to regulate and maintain a balanced hormonal profile. Hormones play a vital role in various physiological functions such as growth, metabolism, immune responses, and reproductive health. Hormonal imbalances can lead to conditions like mood swings, fatigue, weight gain, and diminished sexual function. Gold Bhasma is known for its ability to strengthen the endocrine system, ensuring better hormone regulation at the cellular level, which promotes the body’s ability to produce and maintain healthy hormone levels.
Vidarikand Powder complements this effect by nourishing the adrenal glands, crucial for managing the body’s stress response. Vidarikand, known as an adaptogen, helps the body cope with stress, indirectly reducing excess cortisol levels and promoting hormonal harmony. Together, Gold Bhasma and Vidarikand Powder work to ensure the smooth functioning of the endocrine system, benefiting both physical and emotional well-being.
2. Boosting Immune System
The immune-enhancing properties of Gold Bhasma and Vidarikand Powder are another significant advantage. A strong immune system is essential for defending against infections, pathogens, and maintaining long-term health. Gold Bhasma is known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which aid the immune system in responding to infections more efficiently. It is also believed to enhance the body’s resistance to pathogens, promoting a stronger immune defense system.
Vidarikand Powder adds to this by acting as a natural rejuvenator. Its antioxidant properties neutralize harmful free radicals, which can cause cellular damage and oxidative stress. By reducing oxidative stress, Vidarikand Powder supports tissue regeneration and the body’s ability to fend off infections. Together, these ingredients provide comprehensive immune support, contributing to improved overall vitality.
3. Supporting Metabolism and Digestive Health
Metabolism is the process by which the body converts food into energy, and it plays a critical role in maintaining energy levels and overall health. Gold Bhasma and Vidarikand Powder work together to enhance metabolism, allowing the body to utilize nutrients more efficiently. Gold Bhasma, in particular, is known to promote cellular activity and stimulate metabolic processes, improving digestion and the assimilation of nutrients.
Vidarikand Powder, with its anti-inflammatory and cooling properties, has long been used to soothe the digestive system. It helps alleviate common digestive issues like bloating, acidity, and discomfort. By improving digestion and nutrient absorption, Vidarikand Powder ensures that the body receives the necessary nutrition to maintain healthy metabolism and energy production.
4. Enhancing Vitality and Well-Being
The combination of Gold Bhasma and Vidarikand Powder also plays a crucial role in enhancing vitality and overall well-being. Gold Bhasma is revered for its ability to strengthen the body’s tissues (dhatus) and promote Ojas, which is considered the essence of vitality and life force in Ayurveda. This promotes longevity, improved strength, and vitality, ensuring optimal health over time.
Vidarikand Powder further enhances these benefits by combating fatigue and replenishing energy levels. It is an excellent tonic for individuals recovering from illness or experiencing chronic stress and exhaustion. This dual action of energizing and rejuvenating the body makes Gold Bhasma and Vidarikand Powder an excellent natural remedy for overall vitality.
The combination of Gold Bhasma and Vidarikand Powder offers powerful health benefits when taken in the right dosage. Below is a general guide for their recommended usage, but it is crucial to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner to ensure the dosage is tailored to your specific needs, as individual factors such as age, body type, and health conditions must be considered.
Gold Bhasma Dosage
Gold Bhasma is a potent mineral preparation, and due to its strength, it should be consumed in very small amounts. The typical dosage is:
• Dosage: 125 mg to 250 mg of Gold Bhasma, once or twice a day.
• Administration: Gold Bhasma is usually taken with honey, ghee, or milk to enhance its absorption and efficacy. It can also be taken alongside herbal mixtures such as Vidarikand Powder or other rejuvenating herbs for additional benefits.
Vidarikand Powder Dosage
Vidarikand Powder is a safe and nourishing herb that can be consumed in larger quantities compared to Gold Bhasma. The recommended dosage is:
• Dosage: 3 to 5 grams of Vidarikand Powder, once or twice a day.
• Administration: Vidarikand Powder can be mixed with warm milk, honey, or ghee. It can also be blended into smoothies or consumed with water, depending on your preference.
Combination Dosage for Health Benefits
When taken together, Gold Bhasma and Vidarikand Powder should be administered in the following way for optimal health benefits:
• Gold Bhasma: 125 to 250 mg (once or twice daily).
• Vidarikand Powder: 3 to 5 grams (once or twice daily).
The best way to consume these is by mixing the Gold Bhasma with honey or ghee and taking it alongside Vidarikand Powder, which can be mixed with warm milk. This combination supports better digestion, absorption, and overall effectiveness.
General Precautions
• Consultation: Always consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner to determine the proper dosage and administration based on your health condition.
• Duration: The combination should generally be taken for 1 to 3 months for noticeable health improvements. Prolonged use should only be done under the guidance of a healthcare provider.
• Allergies and Side Effects: While both Gold Bhasma and Vidarikand Powder are generally safe, it’s essential to monitor for any adverse reactions, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions.
This combination of Gold Bhasma and Vidarikand Powder, when taken at the appropriate dosage, provide significant benefits for hormonal balance, immune health, metabolism, and overall vitality.
To address Eye Weakness: Combine with Punarnava Powder
Punarnava powder is made from the dried root or leaves of the Punarnava plant (scientific name: Boerhavia diffusa), a well-known herb in Ayurvedic medicine. The name “Punarnava” translates to “something that renews or rejuvenates the body” in Sanskrit. The herb has been used traditionally to support overall health, particularly for its anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and rejuvenative properties.
Key Benefits of Punarnava Powder:
- Supports Kidney and Liver Health: Punarnava is commonly used to support kidney function and promote liver detoxification.
- Anti-Inflammatory: It helps reduce inflammation in the body, making it beneficial for treating joint pain and swelling.
- Diuretic: Punarnava is known to have diuretic properties, which helps in flushing out excess fluid from the body, making it useful in managing conditions like edema (water retention).
- Promotes Eye Health: Traditionally, Punarnava has been used to improve eyesight and reduce eye strain, making it useful for maintaining vision.
- Respiratory Health: The herb is sometimes used to manage respiratory disorders, helping clear congestion and ease breathing.
- Weight Management: Due to its diuretic effects, it can aid in weight loss by reducing water retention.
For chronic eye inflammation/Chronic Conjunctivitis
Chronic conjunctivitis is a long-lasting inflammation of the conjunctiva, the transparent layer covering the white part of the eye and the inner eyelids. This condition persists for over four weeks and can result from infections, allergies, or irritants, causing discomfort and impacting visions
Symptoms of Chronic Conjunctivitis
Common Symptoms
- Persistent redness in the eye
- Itching and irritation
- Watery or sticky discharge
- Sensitivity to light
- Blurred vision
Severe Symptoms
- Intense pain in the eyes
- Significant vision changes
- Severe swelling of the eyelids
- Persistent and thick discharge
Dose: Gold Bhasma – 125 Mg to 250 Mg , Moti Pisti- 125 Mg to 250 Mg and Giloy Satva- 3grams Twice a day with honey.