Composition Or Preparation Method
Method: Take 11.66 grams of pure mercury, 69.96 grams of pure sulfur, 34.98 grams of red orpiment, 11.66 grams of mansil (realgar), 11.66 grams of somal, 5.82 grams of yellow orpiment, 104.94 grams of camphor, 5.82 grams of lead oxide, 11.66 grams of alum flower, 5.82 grams of gold leaf, and 5.82 grams of silver leaf. When combined, the weight totals approximately 256.76 grams.
Mix gold, silver, and sulfur with mercury to form a fine black powder (kajjali). Then, add the other ingredients and place them in a glass container. Put this container in a balka instrument and apply gentle, medium, and then intense heat for about 30 hours to complete the process. After around 170 hours, once sulfur fumes dissipate, stop immediately. Then, apply intense heat for an additional 20 hours. Once it cools naturally, carefully take out the prepared alchemical product from the container.
For Chronic Fevers
Uses: This alchemical preparation is effective for chronic fever, altered fevers, intermittent fevers, delirium, wasting, syncope, ghost-possession, epilepsy, paralysis, stiffness (rigidity), convulsions, palsy, and other disorders caused by vata imbalance. It is highly beneficial for alleviating complications arising from chronic fevers.
For severe cases of fever where bone infections, bone wounds, gum swelling, ulceration in the palate, or excessive salivation are present, this preparation provides great relief to weak and emaciated patients. It also addresses complications from tuberculosis, increased brain pressure leading to fainting, infantile illnesses, madness, epilepsy, disorders involving difficulty in standing upright, and other conditions linked to chronic fever.
In cases of recurrent altered fevers, when the patient becomes very weak, thin, and despondent, experiencing body heat, red body patches, darkened nails, blood spots, and small pustules, this preparation is deemed highly effective.
For chronic fever, where the skin turns black, fever returns with chills, vomiting, discolored urine, and the patient becomes very weak, this remedy restores vitality. If vata-related symptoms are prominent in chronic fever or syncope and the body is cold and emaciated, this preparation can be beneficial. However, if blood vitiation, such as excessive heat, bloody vomiting, fainting, or body sores, is present, cooling agents like coral or pearl preparations should be given along with or after this remedy.
Psychological Disorder
Application: This preparation has proven highly effective in cases of delirium and seizures caused by ghost-possession or mental disturbances. Its consumption mildly affects the nerve centers in the brain, stimulates heart function, and clears organic toxins, helping to calm the symptoms of delirium.
When toxic impurities enter the bloodstream and disrupt the uterus and associated organs, it causes extreme distress during childbirth, and the child often does not survive. If the child survives, various diseases caused by congenital toxins may occur, leading to recurring symptoms. In such cases, delirium arises, and the patient becomes despondent, weak, and restless. Even slight opposition to her will may cause fainting and seizures. For such symptoms, this preparation, Ashtamurti Rasayana, proves to be very effective.
In cases of katigraha (stiffness), the patient cannot walk straight, with legs turning abnormally and joints becoming weak, leading to awkward movement. The patient struggles to walk or even stand properly, with legs trembling. This condition indicates an impairment of the nerves near the Sushumna canal between the first and second lumbar vertebrae. One of the causes of this disorder can be congenital toxins. If so, Ashtamurti should be administered, which has shown positive results in numerous instances.
Properties: Ashtamurti Rasayana enhances strength, vitality, and cardiac function, builds muscle, and increases resilience. It acts effectively against vata and certain pitta imbalances. It also benefits the blood, muscles, bones, marrow, brain, nerves, spinal cord, heart, and kidneys by influencing their functions.