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Manikya Ras For Vitality & More

Ayurvedic formulation designed to treat tuberculosis, persistent cough, and restore vitality. This powerful tonic helps clear phlegm, reduce fever, and boost overall strength. Suitable for those with respiratory issues, weakened immunity, or general fatigue, Manikya Ras is a natural remedy that promotes holistic wellness and balances the body’s energies

Panaceayur's Doctor

Arjun Kumar

Composition Or Preparation Method

Method: Take 8 tolas (93 grams) each of purified Mercury, purified Sulfur, purified Mansil, and purified Silver. First, heat Ghee in a pan and mix in the Mercury. Then, add Sulfur and make a kajjali (black mixture). After that, add Mansil and grind the mixture for 6 hours, giving it the essence of Aloe Vera juice. Once dry, place the mixture in a container and apply heat for 2.5 days using a sand bath (Valuka Yantra). After cooling, you will obtain a bright red substance similar to a ruby. (Source: Ayurvedic Texts)

Note: Many classical texts mention the addition of Hartal (Arsenic Sulfide) to this formulation. However, we prepare it without using Hartal. The remaining substance after the process can be given additional heat treatment to produce excellent  Nag Bhasma (Ash of Lead).


Dosage: Administer 1 ratti (125 mg) with butter and sugar, honey, or Betel leaf, or as per the patient’s condition.

Promotes Weight Gain & Strength

Uses: This formulation effectively treats tuberculosis by reducing fever and cough while also promoting weight gain and strength. Additionally, it alleviates diseases such as fatigue, asthma, and general weakness. It rejuvenates the body, restores energy, and even combats severe conditions like Rajayakshma (chronic respiratory diseases).

For patients suffering from persistent dry coughs, where phlegm is difficult to expel and the condition worsens at night, this remedy provides significant relief. It helps in quickly clearing phlegm, alleviating symptoms of chest infections like fluid accumulation in the lungs, and reducing fever in tuberculosis cases.

In conditions where excessive bile production leads to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, loose stools, mouth ulcers, and fever, this formulation helps balance these symptoms. It also addresses issues related to decreased urine output, frequent but scanty urination, and weakened bodily functions in elderly individuals.

Manikya Rasa stimulates the urinary tract and relieves blockages, improving the health of the urinary system. It is a tonic that is particularly beneficial for the elderly and those with weakened vitality, as it strengthens the body, improves digestion, and helps balance Vata and Kapha doshas. Its rejuvenating effects extend to the lungs, stomach, respiratory system, and urinary tract.

Panaceayur's Doctor

Arjun Kumar
Senior Doctor Writer at Panaceayur

A renowned practitioner specializing in viral diseases and holistic health, promoting preventive care and natural healing methods.

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