
Tal Sindoor - A powerful Ayurvedic remedy for recurring fevers, chronic illnesses, and phlegm-related issues. Minerals to cure

Tal Sindoor For Chronic Fever & More

Tal Sindoor is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy used for treating recurring fevers, balancing Kapha, and providing relief from chronic illnesses. Known for its ability to cleanse the lungs, improve heart function, and boost immunity, this natural formulation offers a holistic approach to wellness. Ideal for those seeking an herbal solution for phlegm-related disorders, chest pain, and slow circulation.

Ras Sindoor - A potent Ayurvedic remedy for heart health, digestive issues, and lung support Beauty Care Cure for Specific Disease Health Care Minerals to cure

Ras Sindoor: Boost Heart, Digestion, and Lung Health Naturally

A powerful benefits for heart health, digestion, and respiratory function. Known for its ability to strengthen the heart, promote efficient digestion, and support lung health, Ras Sindoor is particularly beneficial in managing chronic indigestion, tuberculosis, and phlegm-related disorders. However, it is advised not to use it in Pitta-dominant conditions.

Raw almond nut - healthy snack and rich source of nutrients and to cure illness Beauty Care Cure for Specific Disease Fruits to cure Health Care

Comprehensive Outline for Walnut to Cure iIlness

Properties and Disadvantages of Walnuts According to Ayurveda Representatives and Uses of Walnuts To Cure Oral Paralysis Traditional Uses of Walnut Kernels and Oil To Get Relief from Opium Addiction  In Sanskrit, walnuts are known as Akshota, and the fruit is also referred to as grease, line fruit, or circular fruit. In Hindi, they are […]