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Mandur Bhasma: Powerful Ayurvedic Cure For Anemia, Liver Health, And Detoxification

Mandur Bhasma is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy made from purified iron oxide, primarily used to treat blood-related disorders like anemia, jaundice, and liver issues. It helps increase red blood cells, improves overall health, and supports conditions like digestive problems, menstrual irregularities, and post-blood loss recovery. Ideal for children and women, it enhances vitality and promotes better blood health.


  • Mandur Bhasma is an Ayurvedic remedy for blood-related disorders.
  • It’s prepared by calcining iron rust (Mandur) with Triphala and herbal juices.
  • Effective for anemia, liver disorders, jaundice, and digestive issues.
  • Helps increase red blood cells, improving overall health and energy.
  • Beneficial for children, women’s menstrual health, and post-blood loss recovery.

Panaceayur's Doctor

Arjun Kumar

Introduction & Preparation Or Composition

Mandur Bhasma is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation made from purified iron oxide, primarily used to treat various blood-related disorders and improve overall health. It is prepared by calcining iron rust (Mandur) with specific herbal ingredients to create a fine, ash-like powder.

Preparation: Mix purified Mandur with a four-part blend of Triphala in a pan and cook. When the moisture evaporates, it turns into ash. Stop the heat when both the Mandur and pan turn red. Once cooled, remove the ash and process it three times with cow urine and aloe vera juice to make it particularly beneficial and soft.


Dosage: 1 to 3ratti(approx. 125-375 mg) twice a day with pippal(long pepper) and honey, or with mango marmalade, Kumaryasava (an Ayurvedic tonic), or any other suitable adjuvant. For children, it can be mixed with mother’s milk.

For Swelling Disorders: Use with diuretic medicines.

For Tridoshic Colic Pain: Combine with Triphala churna, ghee, and honey.Usage: Consuming this bhasma helps in treating conditions like anemia, diabetes, swelling, and Grahani(digestive disorders).

Cure Fore Spleen enlargement, Liver Disorders, Jaundice, Anemia

Consuming this bhasma helps alleviate conditions like anemia, diabetes, inflammation, and digestive disorders. For children and individuals with weak bodies, Mandur bhasma is more beneficial than iron bhasma. It helps treat weaknesses in young children, spleen enlargement, liver disorders, and anemia caused by eating soil. It also aids in addressing uterine and ovarian weakness in women, as well as issues like delayed menstruation in adolescence. Additionally, it is effective against jaundice, hepatitis, and chronic liver disorders.

Mandur is cooling, mild, and has astringent properties. It shares similar qualities with iron but in a milder form. Compared to iron bhasma, Mandur bhasma is more quickly digested and assimilated into the body. Due to the long-standing presence of iron particles in Mandur, it has a swift and positive effect on blood, especially on red blood cells. This bhasma is particularly useful for young children, which is its unique quality.

Anemia, Jaundice, Liver Disorders, and Blood Health

Using Mandur helps produce more red blood cells in the blood. When red blood cells decrease due to various causes, the blood becomes pale, and the skin tone turns yellowish, which is known as anemia (Pandu). In this condition, due to the lack of red blood cells, the heartbeat rate increases, and the pulse becomes stronger. This is because the fewer red blood cells there are, the less efficiently oxygen is circulated throughout the body. The organs and bodily systems need proximity to red blood cells to receive the life force (Prana), so in anemia, the pulse becomes rapid. Thus, to alleviate anemia, it is essential to increase the red blood cell count.

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According to Ayurveda, this can be achieved by using Loh Bhasma or Mandur Bhasma, which balances the Rakta Pitta (blood and bile). However, modern science suggests that bone marrow stimulation is also necessary to increase red blood cells, which Mandur naturally promotes. Mandur is particularly effective in treating Paittik Panduroga (anemia caused by excess bile). Due to its cooling properties, it helps stabilize the pulse and reduces yellowness in the skin.

In treating any form of anemia, some amount of iron or especially Mandur Bhasma is essential. In conditions like jaundice (Kamala), where bile symptoms are prominent, Mandur Bhasma is highly effective. When symptoms like yellowing of hands, feet, eyes, and face, darkening of skin around genital areas, and pale-colored stools are present, Mandur Bhasma should be given. For consumption, it can be combined with Kumaryasava or Mulethi juice and sugar. Mixing it with Suvarna Makshika Bhasma enhances its benefits.

Persistent Jaundice, Whole-Body Swelling, & Related Liver Disorders

In chronic or advanced stages of anemia (Pandurog) and prolonged jaundice (Kumbhkamala), generalized swelling (Sarvang Shoth) develops. This swelling is due to the accumulation of fluid under the skin, primarily caused by a reduction in red blood cells. This type of swelling is commonly seen around the eyes, abdomen, cheeks, and the upper parts of the hands and feet. When pressed firmly with a finger, an indentation remains for a while, indicating fluid retention. In such cases, where symptoms of anemia and yellowish discoloration are present, Mandur Bhasma is highly effective.

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Mandur Bhasma increases the red blood cell count, which helps regulate and strengthen heart function, reducing blood thinness and absorbing the accumulated fluid back into the bloodstream, thus alleviating the swelling. This condition may also appear after jaundice. When jaundice persists for an extended period, symptoms similar to anemia-related swelling arise. In such cases, using Mandur Bhasma along with Punarnava and Shilajit is highly beneficial.

When jaundice is prolonged, the entire body becomes weak, the skin turns hard and dark, and the skin on the hands and feet may crack, a condition known as Kumbhkamala. Mandur Bhasma is also highly effective in treating this.

Liver disorders can also lead to jaundice. If the jaundice is caused by long-standing liver problems, then instead of Mandur, Tamra Bhasma and Suvarna Makshik Bhasma are more beneficial. This form of jaundice is often challenging to treat. There are various types of anemia, such as Laghurak, Alasa, Palik, Kumbhak, etc. In all these types, if symptoms are severe, Mandur Bhasma is recommended.

In Pandurog (anemia), symptoms like greenish, blackish, or yellowish discoloration of the skin, along with weakness, lethargy, lack of enthusiasm, foul body odor, burning sensation, excessive thirst, tremors, dizziness, heaviness in the eyes, mild fever, and reduced physical strength, may occur. When such symptoms are present, Mandur Bhasma is very useful.

In women, Mandur Bhasma is particularly effective for Haridra Pandu (yellowish anemia). If the cause is mental, Asrag Bhasma should be given. If it is due to other reasons, then Loh Bhasma or Mandur Bhasma should be prescribed according to the individual’s needs

Liver and Spleen Disorders, Anemia from Soil Consumption, and Delayed Development in Children and Young Girls

For young children with liver and spleen enlargement, Mandur Bhasma should be used along with treatments that strengthen and promote blood formation. It is especially beneficial to administer Mandur Bhasma with Abrak Bhasma rather than giving it alone. In cases of lung-related issues where anemia is prominent, a combination of Abhrak Bhasma and Mandur is particularly effective. For children with bone deformities, using Mandur Bhasma with Praval Pishti and Giloy Satva provides excellent benefits. This mixture can even be used for children as young as two months old.

For anemia caused by eating soil (a common habit in children and women), which results from the accumulation of soil in the intestines, Mandur Bhasma proves beneficial. First, a cleansing treatment should be performed to remove the soil, followed by Mandur Bhasma administration. It is effective for both bile-related and mucus-related disorders.

Some young girls do not develop properly as they age, nor do they start menstruating. They may appear dull, with swollen cheeks, and experience mild, recurring fevers. These symptoms may be caused by any of the following:

  1. Extreme weakness during childhood
  2. A natural condition weakening the body or bone structure
  3. Chronic bowel conditions like dysentery or colitis
  4. Liver and spleen disorders

If any of these causes are present, it can hinder normal growth and lead to incomplete development. Due to these previous conditions, blood may not become as strong as it needs to be, which in turn affects proper development. This can result in insufficient development of the reproductive organs and delayed menstruation.

If these causes are identified, Mandur Bhasma should be mixed with Triphala and Ghee, and then combined with honey before administration.

Chronic Fevers, Liver and Spleen Health, Blood Loss Recovery, and Mental Clarity

If anemia is caused by a chronic fever like intermittent or remittent fever that lasts for many days, Mandur is highly effective. Often, severe anemia begins with fever and may be accompanied by persistent fever, vomiting, frequent thin bowel movements, and a pale, lifeless complexion. In such cases, Mandur Bhasma is beneficial. For this condition, it should be used along with Praval Pishti and Giloy Satva or Amritarishta.

In cases of anemia due to excessive blood loss, Mandur Bhasma can be used with Makshik Bhasma. For instances where anemia arises from heavy menstrual bleeding or postpartum blood loss, Mandur Bhasma is especially beneficial. When anemia and swelling occur together, Mandur is highly effective. For anemia caused by parasites, initial treatment with Ajwain (thyme) and camphor should be given, followed by Mandur Bhasma alone or with Triphala.

Due to reduced blood volume or decreased red blood cells, some individuals may experience mental stress and become unable to think clearly. They may develop an irritable nature, struggling to tolerate even small inconveniences, and feel heaviness in the head and eyes. They may also experience lethargy or sluggishness. In such cases, Mandur Bhasma proves very effective.

Mandur Bhasma has a beneficial effect on blood, bile, tissues, muscles, bone marrow, and is particularly effective for the liver, spleen, lungs, heart, and kidneys.


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Panaceayur's Doctor

Arjun Kumar
Senior Doctor Writer at Panaceayur

A renowned practitioner specializing in viral diseases and holistic health, promoting preventive care and natural healing methods.

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